I Love Stickers

Get Microsoft Silverlight

Don’t you love this retro sticker design? I have one on my bag and I got it from my mum in the 70’s. And now I have made it in Silverlight 2!

You can personalize the text by clicking on it!

Or you can print a sheet of your own with your own text: I Love My Girlfriend or I Love My Car or I Love My Hobby

You can also put it on your own website and change the initparams:

<object data="data:application/x-silverlight," type="application/x-silverlight-2" width="400px" height="400px">
   <param name="initparams" value="Name=Stickers,Scale=2" />
   <param name="source" value="https://www.johnbruin.net/silverlight/ILoveSticker/ILoveSticker.xap" />
   <param name="onerror" value="onSilverlightError" />
   <param name="minRuntimeVersion" value="2.0.31005.0" />
   <param name="autoUpgrade" value="true" />
   <a href="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=124807" style="text-decoration: none;"><img src="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=108181" alt="Get Microsoft Silverlight" style="border-style: none" /></a>

Have fun!

.net, design, Silverlight

Repper – pattern creator


Cool huh!? Try it yourself



Yooouuu reeeaaalllyyy haaaave to seeeeeee this! I loooooooove it!

Try these examples:

Moby – Bodyrock

Gorrilaz – Clint Eastwood

Humanoid – Stakker Humanoid

design, music

Make a font of your own handwriting


Enter the Matrix

My best friend Wilfred showed me this video yesterday and WOW this is cool and reminds me of the Matrix.

World Builder from Bruce Branit on Vimeo.

This movie may seem very futuristic but the best of it is is that this future is not far away! Check out this fantastic demo movie of the Sixth Sense a study project from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology:


I have always wanted to be a DJ!


Silvertyper extended version

In this post I have told you about my entry for the 10K Smart Coding Challenge. My app is doing great in this challenge and there is only a few more hours left to vote. So please vote for me!

Because of the 10K limitation there were only a few different words in my entry and the hi-score was not saved. So here is the extended version with lots of words and hi-score saving! Can you beat my hi-score? Please drop a comment…

.net, commodore 64, Silverlight

Silverlight fastfood

I have always wanted to program this in Flash but I never took the time to learn it. But now there is Silverlight!

.net, Silverlight

My entry for the 10K Smart Coding Challenge

During the christmas-holidays I have coded “Silvertyper” a small Silverlight remake of the old dutch Commodore 64 game “Tempo Typen” in under 10Kb of source code for the 10K Smart Coding Challenge. Please vote for me if you like it!

This challenge reminds me very much of the old days when the size of your code really mattered. Note that when you start an empty Silverlight project in Visual Studio 2008 the size is already 6Kb!

Here are some tips to make your code a lot smaller:

  • Put all your code in one file to avoid extra “using” statements
  • Get rid of all comments and “private” and “this” keywords because you don’t need them this time!
  • Use refactoring to rename your variables and methods to one letter names
  • For this challenge you don’t need to put new lines, tabs and spaces in your C# and XAML code
  • Use foreach when iterating through collections
  • Clean up the generated code from Visual Studio

Good luck!

.net, commodore 64, Silverlight

Silverlight Snow

In 2007 Peter Schneider made this cool Silverlight Snow Effect and I have improved it a little bit and made this nice X-mas greeting for you… (click for full screen)
